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A simple guide to syncing with your menstrual cycle to beat PMS, optimise energy for workouts and support your mental health throughout your cycle.

Hack your Hormones

Begin to chart your cycle with my free ovulation tracker. Example chart included.

Ovulation Tracker

Health doesn't happen overnight. It's the small choices we make each day that build our healthy habits. Use the five pillars of health, in this easy to use chart to build micro changes into your routine!

Microhack Your Routine


Amanda Astrop Amanda Astrop

How to Track Ovulation

Ovulation is key to women’s health. Ovulation is the main event of your menstrual cycle that occurs each month when an egg leaves your ovary. People often think it’s the menstrual phase (your period) that is most important, but we get so much more information from ovulation.

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Amanda Astrop Amanda Astrop

Your Brain on Chocolate

Chocolate is thought to have psychoactive compounds which is why it can be so powerful when used ceremonially. With the rise in ceremonial cacao use and easter around the corner, what effects does Cacao have on the brain and how does it benefit our health?

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Amanda Astrop Amanda Astrop

The Keto Diet for Women

Women aren’t just small men. We have completely different biology which impacts the way we fast and adopt a ketogenic diet. What does the research say and what are the best options for women?

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Amanda Astrop Amanda Astrop

Six ways to support your brain health

The brain is the master organ in the body. These 6 quick tips can be incorporated into your daily routine to improve your memory, cognition and brain health.

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Amanda Astrop Amanda Astrop

Is stress shrinking your brain?

Under chronic stress, the brain is constantly remodelling, changing shape and size. Find out how stress may be changing your brain and what you can do to help.

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Amanda Astrop Amanda Astrop

Common mistakes on Keto Diet

The most common mistakes I see in patients on a keto diet and how to avoid them so that you can be on the path to ketosis in no time.

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Amanda Astrop Amanda Astrop

How to set achievable goals

Incremental goals are much more sustainable in the long run and instil a sense of confidence and happiness when you achieve them.

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